Saturday, October 2, 2010

Christmas Tree Skirt

Let's see. I started out by solving two five star sudoku's, went to the gym, went to Weight Watchers, mowed my lawn, sprayed some thistles, attended a board meeting, did some laundry, a little grocery shopping, oh, and started a tree skirt that Judi had sent my way.
This is a charity effort, finishing something started in 1993 and tucked away. It looked complete until I got the fabric out. She must have had some pieces already sewn by her sewing machine which got disgarded in her recent move. So the Red's are two colors, but similar in tone and I had to add the bright white at the top of the skirt. Fun to do.
Amazing how much time a person has when she is not walking ten to fifteen miles a day taking in the sights of a foreign country.

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