Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I had client meetings in Lynchburg, VA today. The office was right on main street, three blocks from the river walk and a fountain. 388.1 is the number of roundtrip miles.

I ate at the Main Street Market, which had grocery type snacks on the right side of the store, but also was a cafe on the left. I was a single, so the young man escorting customers to seats thought I should give the bar a try.

I had a nice waitress and when I asked about the Duet, she explained you can choose from any two of all the items listed. I chose tuna salad and hummus with pita chips.

It was delicious and filling, and yes, I had it with coffee. What does the inside of the cup say? "Our Love Just Keeps Growing" says Daisy Duck speaking to Donald, the figures on the outside of the cup.

A drive that reminded me of all the times we drove to Virginia Tech. Southern Virginia is full of hills, rocks, trees and winding country roads. The weather cooperated too, no rain until I hit 66 on the way home.

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