Looking a little startled that we would be given a big cleaver to prepare little finger-sized egg plant, Jane gets ready for something she has never had before, a cooking class. She travelled half way around the world to partake. The first morning we were in Beijing, Martta had signed us up for a Chinese cooking class.
The owner has been doing this for five years. She has eight students a day, six days a week. And she is good.
Tim and Brandy from San Francisco are in the background and you can just see a bit of Savaughn. Her husband Mark and she are working in the UAE, but from Ireland. We also had an Italian student from the university and a lady from Mongolia.
You start the six hour class by going to the market and buying the ingredients. This includes what to look for and what to overlook as you purchase. Back in the class, we had a half hour lecture on the differences in soy sauce, vinegar and white wine.
Nevertheless we managed to cook/eat five dishes. Some were for demonstration only, but we did make two full recipes, the pepper steak and the eggplant.
We had instructions. I have my glasses on because they were in a smaller font. Here is some miscellaneous information about the first lecture. I did check my soy and vinegar bottles at home and it is very hard to see any acid content. The one I found (rice vinegar) only had 4, so I plan to go shopping. I am sure you must have the right acidity to repeat the meal.
Neil and I will both be trying to replicate the egg plant and pepper beef today without a wok but with good intentions.