Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our Next House

After the Washington Monument tour, we went to the Gallery of Art. Neil suggested we might have an atrium like this in our next house. And we ran into one of our church friends who had moved six years ago and was now living in Oklahoma! ps we walked 8 miles according to Neil's pedometer.
I was taking pictures of the columns and ceiling on his right and this tall slim fellow was walking by looking looking left, when I stopped him short asking, "Brad?"
He and Neil had both taken each other in - Neil was sitting on the bench along the outer wall and that is where Brad's scanning focus was, but both said when I got them together, they did think they were looking at someone they knew, but intellectually knew that wasn't possible, so kept that neutral look through you get when you are faced with thousands of strangers in close proximity studying great works of art with you. You don't focus on people's faces, you only see the paintings.
We got his new address and email. He retired one year ago and they had moved four months ago. Now we are all caught up and back in touch. Our German guests thought the encounter quite extraordinary!

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