Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back In The Zone

Since my daughter "made me" go to Weight Watchers back in the late nineties, I have tried to stay in the free status zone. With Weight Watchers, you choose a goal weight and then maintain it. Maintainance is harder because of the freedom of not being on a "diet".
When you are at your goal weight for a few weeks, you graduate from the program into the Lifetime Status. This allows you to weigh in once a month (or more if you need incentive to lose a few pounds) without cost, and you can be two pounds above or two pounds (or more) below and still not pay.
Today I was not just in the Weight Watcher goal zone, I was in my personal goal zone (7 pounds lower than WW) of weighing nearly what I weighed when I got married about forty years ago. The way I do that is IPF. What is the Item, How Big is the Portion and How Often Do I Eat It? It is true you can eat anything, but not very much of some things. And if you have lots of fiber, you can add an occasional piece of cheesecake.

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