Still, the dominant rule prevails in anything I do along the lines of the basic quilts, "Git 'er done."
Finally putting the binding on. Notice the picture center top. When the kids were here in March in separate instances, they both noticed the picture, which is one of my favorites. Jim's response was a laugh and comment, "I think you are supposed to turn the frame on to see the pictures." Martta's was a little more direct, "This is a totally illegal use of this equipment!" I had completely forgotten that I had set the picture into the viewing screen as a handy storage device, but both noticed the minute they independently walked into the living room. Amazing what electronically-literate children I raised.
So funny re: the photo. I didn't even notice that it was a digital frame when we were visiting as I have placed a photo in front of a framed photo myself. You are right about your "electronically-literate" children! :) Marilyn