The Pleasant Grove fault line, active 300 million years ago, settled a little - like an old house creaks - on Friday. Maryland has had 61 earthquakes between 1758 and 2002, two of this same size - one in 1758 and another in 1939.
Still it was a quake. I was downstairs drinking my morning coffee at 5:04. I thought a heavy truck (fully loaded and heavy) was in our neighborhood and had crashed into the new pod across the street. The windows shook so much, I wondered if the patio door would break, but it didn't.
Both the rumbling and the loud percussion shock traveled through my body, not just my ears, and I actually got up and opened the front door to see if there were mayhem at the pod. Nothing.
It didn't occur to me it was an earthquake of 3.6 magnitude.
Sat back down and a couple of minutes later heard the same deep vibratory rumbling, but lessened in degree (2.0 magnitude). This time I thought the truck was out on Quince Orchard Road and that is why I missed seeing the accident. However, there was no sound of crunching metal or broken glass.
Still didn't realize it was a quake and an aftershock until the newscaster mentioned it at 5:18.
Neil's account: There was a rushing sound like a train for about 2-3 seconds, then a loud noise, like an explosion. I thought that it might be a traffic wreck or a truck bomb or other explosion off in the distance. It was noticeable, but no prolonged ground shaking as in California quakes I have been in. No bigee (see picture).
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