Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Snow of 2010

The weatherman was right, so I am counting on his accuracy to be correct for this coming Thursday. I fly to the West Coast and right now it predicts snow for Tuesday/Wednesday, cloudy Thursday. 6 am out of BWI. Chose earliest to have more options if I have to rearrange.
The power went out at 6:38am Saturday and the house got down to 50. Not much to do in an electronic house without electricity. Shovel driveway. Read. Shovel. We went to bed at 6:30pm when it started to get dark. For some reason, we were tired.
I was standing straight up and I am about 5' 6" so you can see we had a heap of driveway snow piled up. I will dig the sidewalk to the neighbor's house out today.

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