Friday, February 12, 2010

Curtain Call at the Double Z

Rarely did all the siblings and grandchildren get to the Double Z at the same time, but it did happen.

Here is such an occasion and all those bright minds and endless Ranch time provided the best of free play.

Learning to drive, sprinklers/sandboxes and swim suits, the creek or nearby drainage ditch for biology lessons, walking "miles" between the houses, drinking sodas on hot summer days, getting a lotto ticket at Kyle's Corner, etc.

All eight are here at the end of the day, signaling the end of a skit they had created and performed for the adults. From the left, Martta's hand is all you see between Laurie's and Raleigh's, then Lisa, Andy, Jim, Amy and Eric. Then Nana sent some old pictures to scan and in the right-side picture, you get Martta viewing the second camera. All there.

No movies for literal memories so each cousin will have to remember his or her parts to recreate the moment.

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