Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Happens When?

Grandpa got to go to Disneyland with Jack when Gramee had to work one year. What happens when he washes and wears for six years the sweatshirt he got there? It becomes Gramee's.
Well, it is 2011. I wasn't going to continue blogging since I won hands down on most consecutive days posted on time. I only entered this contest between my daughter and daughter-in-law to keep them honest, but they had many more skills on the computer than I did.
If I didn't post each day, the date was lost. Somehow, they could collect photos and make them on any labeled date they named, making it appear as if they had posted that day. Their defense: "we took the picture that day."

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Jane! Excellent posting in 2010. I admire your perserverance. :)
