Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chevron Options

I can't use any of the homework strips in Thimbleberry colors to practice making the Chevron block, so I used pastels. This serves two purposes. One, I get to see the actual size if I use this pattern. I see how easy it is to make, oh, and a third reason. At some point this spring I have to host the quilters and come up with the "homework" for the month. If I ask each to do this pattern in pastels (the sample will already be created), then we will have enough to raffle and make a baby blanket for the winner.

So what will this little block look like when it is joined to the other little blocks. A bigger pattern always emerges based on the way you set the little blocks. The first setting shows a fractured square, sort of like how these pictures all play out. I will have to ask Bridget how she got her New York pictures to line up all in a row so well.

Notice I have pivoted two opposing blocks so the little half triangle squares are all in the center or two are on the outside edges

What about a ladder. All the horizontals lining up? And moving to the setting version, that second ladder would be perpendicular, and a Chevron appears pointing to the upper left. Now that is interesting.

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